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"Garland was soon put to the test. After a long Republican stall in the Senate that lasted 19 months, he was confirmed by a vote of 76-23.On the appeals court, Garland has been a moderate liberal, with a definite pro-prosecution bent in criminal cases. Garland has a lengthy record on the D.C. circuit court, but that court deals mainly with regulatory issues and not hot-button social issues of the day, such as abortion and gay rights. But Garland, who currently serves as the chief judge of the nation's second highest court, takes care to emphasize his humble roots. That has served as a confirmation advantage for previous nominees from the appeals court, and it likely will for Garland, too. The Garlands have two daughters. Garland went to public schools and was valedictorian of his high school class in Skokie. If confirmed, Garland would be the fourth Jewish justice, along with five Catholics also serving. "Garland is the latest judge from the federal appeals court in Washington to be promoted to the current Supreme Court. Clinton appointed Garland to the U.S. Court of Appeals in 1995.

She said she chose him because he had "the perfect background," having worked in the department at both high and low levels. At Harvard Law School, he was an editor on the He is married to Lynn Rosenman, an engineer whom he met in Boston while she was getting a master's degree in physics at MIT.
On the bench, Judge Garland has a reputation as a moderate, admired by both Democrats and Republicans, who has come down on the government’s side in a number of cases. A year later, Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick, the department's second in command, asked Garland to be her principal deputy. Moreover, says Gorelick, "He had shown himself to be a brilliant lawyer with excellent judgment, utterly without any political agenda, other than to do right." From there, it was on to Harvard College, on scholarship, where he graduated first in his class. This is in part because Garland’s credentials — degrees from Harvard University, work as a federal prosecutor and service as chief judge of the U.S. … There hasn't been a Protestant on the bench since 2010.Garland began his legal career clerking for two iconic judges: First, conservative Judge Henry Friendly on the federal appeals court in New York, and then for liberal Justice William Brennan on the U.S. Supreme Court.In 1979, he served as a special assistant to Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti. So respected is Garland as a judge that Chief Justice Roberts, at his confirmation hearing, answered a question about one of his majority opinions by noting that Judge Garland had dissented and, said Roberts, "Anytime Judge Garland disagrees, you know you're in a difficult area."
While in private practice, he did corporate litigation and also taught antitrust courses at Harvard Law School.But Garland longed to return to public service and wanted more experience in the rough and tumble of trial work. In the Oklahoma City case, he not only headed the investigation but also put together the trial team that prosecuted Timothy McVeigh, winning praise from the state's Republican Gov. Garland is the latest judge from the federal appeals court in Washington to be promoted to the current Supreme Court. Garland grew up in the Chicago area. FCC Public Files: During summer breaks in college, he worked as a shoe store stock clerk, and he sold his comic book collection to help pay his tuition. But Garland longed to return to public service and wanted more experience in the rough and tumble of trial work. On the appeals court, Garland has been a moderate liberal, with a definite pro-prosecution bent in criminal cases.

A year later, Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick, the department's second in command, asked Garland to be her principal deputy.

Indeed, his views in the area of criminal law are considerably more conservative than those of the man he would replace, Justice Antonin Scalia. With the switch in administrations in 1981, he joined the large Washington law firm of Arnold & Porter, becoming a partner four years later. Garland, who has won past Republican support, has "more federal judicial experience than any other Supreme Court nominee in history," a White House official said. So did the late Antonin Scalia, who died last month after nearly 30 years on the nation's highest court. Rosenman's grandfather springs from Democratic Party royalty, having advised Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman. To see more, visit http://www.npr.org/. From there, it was on to Harvard College, on scholarship, where he graduated first in his class. "No one is better suited to immediately serve on the Supreme Court.

Merrick Garland Has A Reputation Of Collegiality, Record Of Republican Support By Nina Totenberg, Carrie Johnson | NPR Wednesday, March 16, 2016 President Obama and Vice President Biden stand … After a long Republican stall in the Senate that lasted 19 months, he was confirmed by a vote of 76-23. Frank Keating.Gorelick says one of the Garland traits she treasured was his instinct to "question the received wisdom" and not to jump to conclusions.

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