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D) net investment plus net exports. contribute to fall in their value. This depreciation is related to some investment which needs to be made in order to replace obsoleted or worn out assets like plants and machineries.Or we can say that, Net investment = gross investment – depreciationIf gross investment is greater than depreciation over any period of time then it directly refers that the net investment is positive which further implies that the capital stock has increased. It includes replacement purchases plus net additions to capital assets plus investments in inventories. For example, construction of building, purchase of machinery, addition to inventories of goods, etc.
46. Investment or capital formation refers to addition to the capital stock of an economy. C) gross domestic investment less net exports. Gross Investment: ADVERTISEMENTS: The total addition made to the capital stock of economy in a given period is termed as […] B) the difference between the market value and book value of outstanding capital stock. However, gross investment does not indicate the actual change in economy’s stock of productive assets for a given year. Investment refers to the amount invested in purchasing financial assets. ADVERTISEMENTS: Gross Investment, Net Investment and Depreciation! It is basically gross investment minus the depreciation on existing capital. Natural factors like rain, winds, weather, etc. Similarly, if gross investment is less that depreciation, then in that case the net investment tends to be negative and the capital stock declines.To understand the difference, one one can consider this example, a factory starts the year with 20 machines. Let us now understand the meaning of depreciation. Value of fixed assets also decreases with the passage of time, even if they are not being put to use in the business. On the other hand, Net investment considers depreciations and is calculated by subtracting depreciation from gross investment. Gross investment refers to: A) private investment minus public investment. Answer: B 17. For example, construction of building, purchase of machinery, addition to inventories of goods, etc.

The concept of net domestic investment refers to: A) the amount of machinery and equipment used up in producing the GDP in a specific year.

This leads to actual gain of 21-20 = 1 machine, which reflects the net investment.Thus, gross investment is the total amount spent on goods in order to produce other goods and services, whereas net investment is the increase in productive stock.Comparison between Net Investment and Gross Investment:It is estimated by subtracting capital depreciation from gross investment.Gross Investment = a total purchase or construction of new capital goodsIt helps in providing a sense that how much money is being spent on capital items taking into considerations the losses like maintenance, wear and tear, etc. Depreciation refers to a fall in the value of fixed assets due to normal wear and tear, passage of time or expected obsolescence (change in technology). Direct investment, more commonly referred to as foreign direct investment (FDI), refers to an investment in a foreign business enterprise designed to acquire a controlling interest in this enterprise. During the production process, some amount of fixed capital is used up. The concept of depreciation is very important to differentiate between Gross value and the Net value, ‘Gross’ is inclusive of depreciation, whereas, ‘net’ excludes it.

Now, the gross investment refers to the purchase of new machines which is 5, whereas at the end of the year the total number of working machines = 20+5-4 = 21. loss in value due to change in technology or change in demand for goods and services).Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages: Transfer payments are: A) excluded when calculating GDP because they only reflect inflation. Copyright © 2020, Difference Between | Descriptive Analysis and Comparisons This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Thus, it helps in expanding operations and improving efficiency.On neglecting the depreciations one may have to face ad-hoc situations related to obsolete or worn out devices.Helps in determining the total expenditure on capital goodsGenerally, considered to be a better indicator than gross investmentNot considered to be a better indicator in comparison to net investment (i) Current Replacement Cost; (ii) Replacement cost of Fixed Capital; (iii) Capital Consumption Allowance.

So, gross investment is the expenditure on purchase of fixed assets and unsold stock during the accounting year. Net investment is also related to gross investment. Value of fixed assets also decreases due to expected obsolescence (i.e. B) net investment plus replacement investment. Capital stock consists of fixed assets and unsold stock.

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