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Dean later provided to the Senate Watergate Committee this updated "master list" of political opponents. The master list was compiled by Charles Colson's office and sent in memorandum form to John Dean. President Donald Trump set off a firestorm last week when White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance was being revoked, and Some of the 10 former officials have been vocal critics of Trump, or involved in the investigation against him. President Nixon tells a White House news conference, March 15, 1973, that he will not allow his legal counsel, John Dean, to … This is an informal web project, but could help researchers some day. Nixon may have harassed people using the FBI and IRS, but not as a result of inclusion on these lists. Nixon's "Enemies List" usually refers to the names published in newspapers in 1973, even though there is only one short list that can confidently be called a White House enemies list without quotes (see intro to First List). On June 27, 1973, the Senate Watergate Committee released the … If the list was mentioned in their obituary, please copy-and-paste the text. Nixon's "Enemies List" usually refers to the names published in newspapers in 1973, even though there is only one short list that can confidently be called a White House enemies list without quotes (see intro to In June 1974, Congress found no evidence that the IRS had been used to harass people on these lists. 2018-08-19T21:20:00Z 177 pages of documents, 14 minutes of Nixon White House recordings, and 2 excerpts of oral history interviews of Daniel Schorr and George Schultz, covering the creation and development of a list of individuals viewed by the Nixon White House as President Nixon's major political opponents, which came to be known as the "enemies list." Posted on 05.15.13 9:11 AM CDT. What was the reaction to inclusion on the lists? Here are a few reasons the interest endures:You can search all 823 surnames and organizations on the lists (at top right) or browse the lists in their original order (at left). If you're familiar (or family) with an "enemy," please add a note about the details of his/her opposition to Nixon. Nixon's "Enemies List" Submit. The official purpose, as described by the White House Counsel's Office, was to \"screw\" Nixon's political enemies, by means of tax audits from the Internal Revenue Service, and by manipulating \"grant availability, federal contracts, litigation, prosecution, etc.\" In a memorandum from John Dean to Lawrence Higby (August 16, 1971), Dean explained the purpose of the list: The White House may strip 9 former officials of their security clearances, and it's reminding people of Nixon's infamous 'Enemies List' Ellen Cranley.

Young White House Aide John W. Dean III used the term "enemies list" loosely in his testimony before Congress, giving an eager press license to use the term for any of the … The First Enemies List. The original list split out "Black Congressmen", listing "all of the Black congressmen [and congresswomen]". Many people on the list, like Still, the notion of two "Enemies Lists" (one published in newspapers on June 28, 1973 and the second on December 21, 1973) is part of American culture now. Any detail to help identify the person is appreciated, such as birth and/or death dates.

A master list of Nixon political opponents was compiled to supplement the original Nixon's Enemies List of 20 key people considered opponents of President Richard Nixon.

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