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For example they might write a step by step guide to compost (science) or a report on a visit from a nurse (health). The Curriculum Progression Tools include the Learning Progression Frameworks (LPF) and the Progress and Consistency Tool (PaCT). Texts will include more abstract ideas and figurative language, longer sentences with multiple clauses, different text types, and a significant number of words that are likely to be unfamiliar to your child.After five years of learning reading at school they'll likely be able to:In Year 5 your child will continue to learn to think about, record, and communicate their experiences and ideas in their writing. Reading and Writing Standards here and Mathematics Standards here During your child’s second year at school, most of mathematics teaching time (60–80 per cent) will focus on number learning.After two years of learning maths at school they'll likely be able to:These are only some of the skills your child will learn at school.

Scores less than level 2 are reported as <2B for all other subjects. They will be able to read and talk about what they have written.After one year of learning writing at school most children will be able to:In Year 1 your child will learn about numbers, algebra (symbols), geometry (shapes), measurement and statistics. In every area of the curriculum, students learn best when they are involved in purposeful, rich learning tasks. These are also referred to as cut-scores. They will report to you twice a year on whether your child has gained the skills needed for their particular year.In your child’s first year at school you will become familiar with the reading colour wheel.

At the higher end of the framework, the progressions highlight the subject-specific writing knowledge and skills that students need for English, science, and social-science tasks.The writing framework, with its signposts for each aspect, provides a big-picture map to help you understand what progress looks like. They will learn to count on their fingers and by using objects. For more information and examples go to the In your child’s sixth year at school they’ll be reading non-fiction books, chapter books, magazines and information on the computer.

This chart is easy-to-follow and will help you to ensure that you are using reading resources at the appropriate level for your students. The following table shows the cut-off points for each curriculum level as at October, 2013. Writing hub. For more information and examples go to the In your child’s eighth year at school they’ll be learning to find, think about, and bring together information and ideas within and across a range of books, stories and articles. The levels shown in our reports are based on an overall teacher judgement. Their writing will be for different purposes that cover several areas of the curriculum. Ideas for writing may come from talking, listening and reading about topics in all areas of the curriculum.After five years of learning writing at school they'll likely be able to:In Year 5 your child will be learning to solve realistic problems using their growing understanding of numbers, algebra (symbols), geometry (shapes), measurement and statistics. The wheel is made up of 9 different colours that show your child’s progress on their way to becoming a strong reader. For more information and examples go to the  Practical information about education for parents and carers This document is a list of writing strategies and skills that students need to be able to demonstrate proficiently if they are to move from: Midway through Level 1 to the top of Level 1. The writing framework prompts you to consider the different aspects of writing that should be taken into account when you’re thinking about how well a student is writing. Bridget from St Peter's College describes the impact of the LPFs on teaching and learning.Keith from East Otago High School explains that the LPFs helped teachers identify gaps in their teaching. Kris Logan Nicola Bain. They will learn to plan their writing by talking, or by drawing pictures. For more information and examples visit the In your child’s fourth year at school they’ll be independently reading a range of fiction and non-fiction books. For more information and examples go to the In your child’s second year at school they'll learn to read longer texts that might include diagrams with labels, some new words and descriptive language. Rochelle Duke. Your child will be able to use the pictures and other parts of the book (sub-headings, text boxes, footnotes, glossaries, indexes, diagrams, maps) to work out the meaning. This Colour Wheel Chart is a helpful teaching resource for your class. They’ll be reading these kinds of stories in all areas of the curriculum.After six years of learning reading at school they'll likely be able to:In Year 6 your child’s writing will continue to describe their own experiences and ideas and to show how they are thinking about these. Their reading material will include some compound and complex sentences, which may consist of 2 or 3 clauses.

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