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Students will study more complex processes, develop more advanced design and maintenance skills and explore ways of enhancing environmental sustainability. Please view the Minister of Education Stephen Lecce’s letter to families regarding the new school year. It focuses on quadratic, trigonometric and exponential functions and their use in modelling real-world situations. They will also investigate critical interpretations and complete an independent study project.This course emphasizes practical writing and communication skills that are needed in the world of business and technology. Students will use beginning English language skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing for everyday and essential academic purposes; use basic English language structures and simple sentence patterns in short conversations; read short adapted texts; and write phrases and short sentences.

Students planning to enter university programs in business, the social sciences and the humanities will find this course of particular interest.This course enables students to extend their knowledge of functions. Catholic School Boards and conference vendors/ sponsors for their valued Using a project-based approach, students will focus on integrating software applications and applying multimedia software features. Students will use the critical analysis process when evaluating their own work and the work of others. The course will also provide opportunities for students to use school and community resources and build their knowledge of Canada and diversity.This course is intended for English language learners who have had limited access to schooling and thus have significant gaps in their first-language literacy skills. The course helps students build confidence and motivation to pursue opportunities for success in secondary school and beyond.This course focuses on learning strategies to help students become better, more independent learners. Students will become familiar with the elements and principles of design and the expressive qualities of various materials by using a range of media, processes, techniques and styles. They will also design initiatives that encourage others to lead healthy, active lives. © Algonquin & Lakeshore Catholic District School Board Students will investigate relationships, which they will then generalize as equations of lines and will determine the connections between different representations of a relationship. Students may have opportunities to obtain industry-standard certification and training. Students will analyze a variety of informational and graphic texts, as well as literary texts from various countries and cultures and create oral, written and media texts in a variety of forms for practical and academic purposes. Students will research and explain how physical, intellectual and artistic skills developed in dance can be applied in a wide range of careers. The skills acquired in this course will prepare students for success in post-secondary studies and in their future careers.This course provides students with the opportu­ni­ty to further develop essential work­place skills in information and communi­cation technology while working in a team environment.

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