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Merci !La plume d’Arthur Clément va chauffer. [ESPN]* George W. Huguely V, the UVA lacrosse bro who was convicted of killing his sometimes girlfriend, has got one hell of an appellate lawyer. [North County Times]Where on your priority list is CLE? We’ll wait for more on this story from note passer field correspondent, Benula Bensam. Will this be the vehicle for Supreme Court review of DOMA? Look no further, we have a great opportunity for you. The question on everyone’s minds, of course, is whether those conferences are billable. I’d say this is bad for her career, but who are we kidding? [Washingtonian]* Another judge — this time from the S.D.N.Y. Il y a 200+ professionnels dénommés “Paul Clement” qui utilisent LinkedIn pour échanger des informations, des idées et des opportunités.

Which top SCOTUS litigator is not only brilliant but also a real mensch? * Barack Obama made some bold statements about marriage equality in his inaugural address, but the jury is still out — literally — on whether he thinks laws banning same-sex couples from marrying are constitutional. [InTheCapital]* George Huguely V, the UVA LAX bro convicted of killing his ex-girlfriend, has got one hell of a lawyer. Get links to iTunes, amazon, spotify and other online stores. * Have you ever wondered why Justice Clarence Thomas hasn’t spoken during oral arguments before SCOTUS in more than six years? Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Thanks for being patient with us.
Where on your priority list is CLE? Tell us in a flashpoll. We’ll find out later today. Josh Blackman, author of Unprecedented: The Constitutional Challenge to Obamacare, reveals all.What was it like to be at the Supreme Court this morning, when two major rulings on gay marriage were handed down? [Charlotte Observer]* Former Solicitor General Paul Clement, he of unparalleled oral advocacy skills, claims that there’s “no magic formula for time management” — but having a superior legal mind certainly helps the situation when preparing for argument. Congratulations! Paul Clement, the patron saint of conservative causes, is probably facepalming right now. House Republicans have enlisted the services of Paul Clement ... Windsor is the Supreme Court version of Windsor v. United States, in which a New York federal court found that Section 3 of DOMA is unconstitutional and violates the Fifth Amendment. I demand that LiLo be cast in the role! Cette campagne a pour but de permettre la réalisation et l’impression d’une version intégrale et collector des 4 premiers épisodes de Seulement, à la différence d’autres projets littéraires comme vous pourrez en retrouver sur Mais, avant d’en dire davantage sur le contenu de cette future édition intégrale, petit rappel sur la saga À l’heure où ces lignes sont écrites, l’épisode 5 - À ce jour, les 4 épisodes qui composeront cette intégrale collector sont déjà parus séparément et voici, justement, le synopsis d’Revenons-en donc à l’objet qui nous, vous, intéresse si vous lisez encore ces lignes : l’intégrale collector.Ainsi, alors que les épisodes sont actuellement diffusés au format papier sous forme de petits livres de poche (12*18cm), cette intégrale sera éditée en Pour votre plus grand plaisir, les deux frangins remettent ça. BAD POOR FAIR GOOD. Mario Cuomo is the Bad Luck Brian of our time. [Wall Street Journal (sub. [BuzzFeed]* You can smoke pot for sh*ts and giggles in several states, but the D.C. Michelle Olsen of Appellate Daily picks out a few. — has found that the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional.

Hauts les coeurs : l’intégrale verra bien le jour. [Am Law Daily]* “One thing we understand is law and economics.” Yet another law school finally, finally gets it. Be prepared to see some legal heavyweights next week when the Prop 8 and DOMA cases are argued before the Supreme Court, including Paul Clement and Ted Olson. [CNN]* Tully Rinckey, a midsize firm, is planning to open an office in Buffalo, New York, so it sent out recruitment letters to 5,469 attorneys in the region. How did you guys get stuck with this? L’intégrale s’enrichit de Âgé de 25 ans, Paul est diplômé de l'EDHEC, une célèbre école de commerce de Lille, ainsi que d'une université de Brisbane en Australie.Donner à chacun le pouvoir d'agir pour un monde plus divers, plus durable, plus ouvert. )]* Here are some tips on how you can refine the résumé that will accompany your law school application — but make sure you get the accents aigus right, or else.

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