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Your guide through all the exercises is Kevin Horsley, the International Grandmaster of Memory and a World Memory Championship Medalist.It’s 2650, and planet Earth has barely survived an alien attack. This book will change how you see homelessness and open your eyes to other social issues.If you’re one of the many people who can’t say no and end up being taken advantage of by friends, co-workers, and family, and if you’ve had enough of this kind of treatment, then this book will help you set boundaries and not feel guilty about it.The book is full of tips and inside information on RV culture, where to find the best RV parks in America, and even how to find great Internet while on the road.9 Best Spiritual Books to Spark Your EnlightenmentThis well-written biography about Allene Tew gives readers a glimpse into the life of America’s upper class during the Gilded Age. Lawyer Joe Dillard, beset with personal troubles, is determined to prove his client’s innocence.Holden’s work is well-researched, intense, and a true inspiration. —T.O.The Red Summer of 1919 saw brutal race riots in cities across the US; the most devastating was in Chicago, lasting eight days and resulting in 38 deaths and nearly 500 injuries. Get ready to lose some sleep to find out what happens next.The identity change is necessary because Gina’s charismatic but incarcerated husband, Mel, had a secret life as a serial killer. His sentence is enrollment at the Nickel Academy — which, despite its solid reputation, turns out to be built on cruelty, racism, and corruption. —A.R.The ultimate rejoinder to those asinine roundups about how to talk to your conservative family members about politics, Jacob’s graphic memoir is a charming, moving account of what it’s like raising a brown child with Trump-voting in-laws, of growing up as a dark-skinned Indian American in a white town, and of self-discovery and growth. This suspense thriller introduces us to Gwen Proctor, a warrior mom formerly known as Gina Royal.If we’re giving out awards for the best books on Kindle Unlimited, this one from Scott Pratt is our choice for best Southern crime fiction.

The book is well written, with a satisfying ending that nonetheless makes you want to read the rest of the books in the series.This is a moving and eye-opening story that shows us what it’s like to witness a loved one succumbing to Alzheimer’s. Throughout her writing, she risks easy sentiment and shows us how pop culture depictions and history have contributed to so much misunderstanding around mental illness. Find the top 100 most popular Amazon books. Despite the topic of miscarriage and family secrets, every page is a gentle unfolding that touches the heart.The book is an exploration of what it’s like to experience a moral dilemma. If you’re interested to learn about this diet and the low-carb lifestyle, Amy Ramos will be your guide.This story tackles the issue of immortality and the possible impact of discovering a literal fountain of youth in our time.

Through this book, you’ll understand the underlying factors affecting why some people find it hard to set personal boundaries, discover that saying no to others isn’t a negative trait, and learn effective and gracious strategies for turning people down. It’s an engaging, important read. Your answers to these eye-opening questions can be a way of refreshing your relationship—strengthening your bond and protecting each other from potential external conflicts.This is a story of unconditional love, redemption, and hope. The book inspires and changes readers’ perceptions, especially about degenerative diseases and the tenacity of the sufferers.When harnessed right, reading enhances your creativity. Making Sense of the Troubles is David McKittrick and David McVea's classic history of the Troubles, now completely revised and updated.

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