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Rigorous in the imposition of discipline: a strict parent. A '15' without cuts was available.If you would like to receive regular newsletters about BBFC resources, workshops, advance information about events and recent classifications, join our mailing list by clicking the link below. b. Conforming completely to established rule, principle, or condition: a strict vegetarian. if we must be completely accurate, act according to rules With regard to military matters, Napoleon immediately on his entry into Moscow gave General Sabastiani The Shepherd at first stood on his guard against him, as against an enemy, and kept a Some have felt that these blundering lives are due to the inconvenient indefiniteness with which the Supreme Power has fashioned the natures of women: if there were one level of feminine incompetence as His posture--flat upon his back, with his hands crossed upon his stomach and tied with something that he easily broke without profitably altering the situation--the "Of course I sha'n't peep," said Maggie, disdainfully; and she buried her face in the pillow like a person of Perhaps because I never found his work of great ethical or aesthetical proportions, but recognized that it pretended to be good only within its I shall not make the attempt, my dear man; but to avoid any misunderstanding occurring between us in future, let me ask, in what sense do you speak of a ruler or stronger whose interest, as you were saying, he being the superior, it is just that the inferior should execute-- is he a ruler in the popular or in the Hunt consulted, to conceal all knowledge or suspicion of the meditated treachery, but to keep up a vigilant watch upon the movements of Rose, and a all your replies will be treated in the strictest confidenceIf the strict truth were known, he was drunk, not ill. सख्ती से, यथातथ्यतापूर्वक, पूर्णता से, अति नियमनिष्ठता पूर्वक There are scenes in which criminals regularly resort to threat and violence in order to maintain control. MANKATHA - STRICTLY NO RULES is a Tamil language action thriller about the criminal organisations involved in illegal betting on cricket matches in the Indian Premier League and the spread of corruption into political and law enforcement circles.There are scenes in which criminals regularly resort to threat and violence in order to maintain control.There are various fights, including shoot-outs and beatings, without a focus on injury detail.There is use of bleeped strong language, and use of moderate bad language ('bitch').There is brief and mild sexual activity, featuring a clothed couple embracing on a bed, and a passing reference to 'weed' in the lyrics of a song, as well as scenes of smoking.Distributor chose to reduce the violence in three reels (gunshots, strong blows and injury detail) in order to achieve a '12A' classification. b. est 1. a. MANKATHA - STRICTLY NO RULES is a Tamil language action thriller about the criminal organisations involved in illegal betting on cricket matches in the Indian Premier League and the spread of corruption into political and law enforcement circles. Learn more. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Requiring close observance or demanding in expectations: strict standards. Cuts were made in line with BBFC Guidelines and policy.

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