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Of course, the feel of the earthquake would also depend on the magnitude and epicenter of the quake. more. Certainly, that is a great speed in many contexts but not always. And it allows researchers to use data from the earthquakes to learn more about the structure of the earth.Hellweg: “And the other is so we can share sound files with people like you.”Recording earthquakes on the Hayward Fault has proven easier than predicting when the next big tremblor will shake the Bay Area.Hellweg says the reason it’s so hard to predict is the same reason we don’t know when a rubber band will snap.Hellweg: “So when you take a rubber band and you stretch it and stretch it. Can you These aftershocks NY 10036. Los Alamos is part of the U.S. monitoring network that operates infrasound stations to monitor nuclear tests in other countries.Infrasound is emitted only above a quake's hypocenter, the point where a fault begins to rip apart, said Arrowsmith, who plans to present the study results Oct. 25 at the annual meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Kansas City, Mo.Researchers have debated the source of infrasound for decades, suggesting it comes from directly above the quake's source or from vibrations in nearby mountains.A magnitude-4.6 earthquake that occurred Jan. 3, 2011, in Circleville, Utah, gave Arrowsmith and his colleagues the chance to conclude the debate.Computer modeling by the researchers indicated that most of the Along with monitoring nuclear tests, infrasound could help assess damage immediately after of an earthquake, Arrowsmith said.

Hellweg: “Earthquakes do produce sounds, and people do hear them. Scientists have In reality, sound which may form in the air above the point of origin of the earthquake is transmitted much slower than the seismic waves of the quake and is also strongly damped by distance. Just as there are safer and less safer places to be on the surface of the earth during an earthquake, there are also various characteristics inside caves that make some cave locations safer or less safe than others. A team of researchers may have discovered a way to hear earthquakes. Geophysicists differ on the extent to which they think that individual reports of unusual lighting near the time and epicenter of an earthquake actually represent EQL: some doubt that any of...There is nothing different about a cave that would make it immune to the shaking from an earthquake. Photograph credit: Erol Kalkan, USGSUSGS scientist John Hamilton installing a seismograph in the offices of the major-league soccer team San Jose Earthquakes’ new stadium.Seismographs at the U.S. Geological Survey record (1) north-south horizontal, (2) east-west horizontal, and (3) vertical components of the earthquake.Geocoded Did You Feel It? A low tone means the quake occurs way below the surface. Listen to the results of his project at his webpage, The Sounds of the Earthquakes …

Like thunder.

What I heard when the P wave came was a noise that was kind of like a freight train going by but not very loud… and then the S wave came that actually shook the house and you could hear the house shaking and stuff like that.” So earthquakes produce sounds we can hear as well as infrasonic frequencies, below the range of human …

The more frequent the quakes become the more notes there will be. It kind of felt like there was a massive piece of machinery moving outside of the building I was in.

The last big one happened in 1868, so 150 years ago.Hellweg: “So we think that the rubber band that is the Hayward Fault is very close to the point that it’s going to break. For example, the 1964 Niigata earthquake caused widespread liquefaction in Niigata,...Two sources for photographs that show earthquake damage are: Earthquake Hazards Program - Earthquake Photo Collections U.S. Geological Survey Photographic Library (see 'earthquakes' in the categories left column)There is more damage and more deaths from earthquakes in other parts of the world primarily because of buildings which are poorly designed and constructed for earthquake regions, and population density.Groundwater levels in wells may oscillate up and down while seismic waves pass, and in some cases, the water level may remain higher or lower for a period of time after the seismic wavetrain has ended.It isn't that simple. That being said, damage does not usually occur until the earthquake magnitude reaches somewhere above 4 or 5. The way an earthquake feels depends on where you are, where the earthquake is, and how big the earthquake is: A large earthquake nearby will feel like a sudden large jolt followed quickly by more strong shaking that may last a few seconds or up to a couple of minutes if it's a rare great event. It depends on other variables, such as the distance from the earthquake, what type of soil you are on, etc. Earthquakes produce many different types of waves: p-waves, s-waves, and a variety of surface waves. The shaking will feel violent and it will be... The sound is the earthquake itself, the part of the earthquake that moves faster than the portion that you will feel. None of that would surprise me. They’re mashed together and they want to break free.

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