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Expansionary policy seeks to stimulate an economy by boosting demand through monetary and fiscal stimulus. Long-term assets are usually physical and have a useful life of more than one accounting period.The Federal Reserve, more commonly referred to as "The Fed," is the central bank of the United States of America and is the supreme financial authority behind the world’s largest free market economy.An interest rate refers to the amount charged by a lender to a borrower for any form of debt given, generally expressed as a percentage of the principal.Treasury Bills (or T-Bills for short) are a short-term financial instrument that is issued by the US Treasury with maturity periods ranging from a few days up to 52 weeks (one year). Expansionary monetary policy is when a central bank uses its tools to stimulate the economy. This policy is mostly used by the central banks, during recessions, when the interest falls and money supply increases which results in the increase in consumption and investments.If the economy is at potential GDP due to the implementation of monetary expansion, the increase in real output will be only for the short run.In situations of high-interest rates, the central bank focuses on decreasing the discount rate. Expansionary policy is intended to … The economy still being weak, it started purchasing government securities from January 2009 for a total value of $3.7 trillion.When the policy rate is below the neutral rate, the monetary policy is expansionary.
Expansionary vs. Expansionary Monetary Policy Expansionary monetary policy is when a nation's central bank increases the money supply, and this method works faster than fiscal policy. By decreasing the short-term interest rates, the central bank reduces the Subsequently, the banks lower the interest rates they charge their consumers for loans.

Keynesian economists believe that monetary policy works through its effect on the interest rate. Lower interest rates increase investment in plant and equipment because of the cost of financing these investments declines. Therefore, investment increases but increase in investment in Intermediate range is less than the increase in Investment in the Classical range.As a result increase in income in the Classical range is greater than the increase in income in the Intermediate range.2. Thus due to fall in interest rate not only LPeople will sell bonds and thus asset price will fall leading to rise in interest rate.Thus, due to increase in demand for money the interest rate will increase and, thus, move up on the LMThus, due to open market purchases i decreases which in turn increases Investment and, thus, Y.Process by which changes in monetary policy affect AD.Changes in M/P affect the level of output in the economy through 2 linkages (Table 11.2).It means that when money supply increases then at the prevailing interest rate and income level people are holding more money than they desire/want, that is, there is excess money supply.

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