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And if Jesus is white, then Middle Easterners must be white as well. It was clear that my professors thought this summed up every major demographic in America nicely, but to me, I never understood why Middle Easterners and North Africans such as ourselves weren’t represented in these statistics.Middle Easterners and North Africans (also known as MENA) are therefore an invisible group here in America. She was raised in a home that believed Iranians were white, she said.A Times analysis found that more than 80% of individuals of Southwest Asian, Middle Eastern or North African descent called themselves white in past census surveys.Sources: Minnesota Population Center, Times analysisExperts say that generational divide is a common split within the Middle Eastern and North African community. “It’s another erasure of both Middle Eastern and North African people.”Those communities have struggled to become visible for decades, Karim said, especially in the post 9-11 period.“The results of this research indicate that it is optimal to use a dedicated ‘Middle Eastern or North African’ response category,” a 2017 census report said.Still, census officials have said they need more research before committing to a change, Sarah Shabbar grew up in Santa Barbara feeling underrepresented. The bureau’s move was seen as a blow to a group already grappling with feelings of invisibility. That group is known as SWANA. The ethnic groups in the Middle East refers to the peoples that reside in Western Asia and Egypt in North Africa, a transcontinental region commonly known as the Middle East. “But for young people, with 9/11 and now with Trump, whiteness means something specific.”The generational schism has narrowed for some after President Trump’s inauguration, said Neda Maghbouleh, author of “The Limits of Whiteness: Iranian Americans and the Everyday Politics of Race.”When her book came out in 2017, older Iranians would tell her they did not agree with — or understand the need for — her exploration of Iranians’ complicated relationship with whiteness.“Now they tell me, ‘After the travel ban, I see the country doesn’t see me as white,’” she said. However, in this graph, we are lumped in with the rest of the white population, simultaneously skewing results for white demographics without our presence being recognized.Since the last time the U.S. Census was taken in 2010, there has been a There is some pushback on both sides, however. While some believe that including a MENA category is an important step to recognizing our identity here in America and addressing our needs, others are wary that registering as MENA will make it that much easier to be targeted, which However, one thing is certain: as long as MENA as a racial category within the U.S. Census Bureau does not exist, we do not have the basis of evidence needed in order to help the people within our own community.Apply for the Coptic Voice Identity & Leadership Summit

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