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Wiki User. The earliest form was the noun "Romanist" (one belonging to the Catholic Church), which appeared in England about 1515-1525. The term is assumed to originated as a reference created by Anglicans who wished to refer to themselves as Catholic.

The next to develop was the adjective "Romish" (similar to something done or believed in the Catholic Church), which appeared around 1525-1535. 2012-12-24 11:52:24 2012-12-24 11:52:24. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company

It has become a popular belief to hold it as such, as “irregardless” has popularly substituted the word “regardless”. Since the first Council of Nicaea in the 4Century, the Church has referred to Herself officially as the Catholic Church.
But in modern usage in the English speaking world, the term Roman Catholic distinguishes the Catholics from the Anglicans and the Orthodox. Christ as far as we know never wrote anything, he did, however, teach the Apostles, who taught their disciples and so on till today. They are equal.

In the early Church, for example, the Church in Ephesus, Corinth, Alexandria, or any number of other cities would have respected the primacy of the Pope, the Roman pontiff.

But, they would not have said they belonged to the Roman Catholic Church. Catholic Church is the most fitting name for the Church which has a place for everyone regardless of individual rite, customs, or local traditions. The term “Roman” to describe the universal Catholic Church is a fairly recent phenomenon. It only takes a minute to sign up.The Catholic Church does indeed usually refer to itself just as "The Catholic Church". The Roman Rite is actually one of the liturgical expressions of the Latin Rite.

At the Second Vatican Council, there is a whole document, , specifically devoted to the Eastern Catholic Churches. The Roman rite is not stricter than these other rights. When referring to the Roman Catholic church he refuses to use "Catholic", and simply refer the institution as the "Roman church". Anybody can ask a question

I've searched about the "official" Catholic Church name on The (English) Wikipedia.

Shortly thereafter came the verb "to Romanize" (to make someone a Catholic or to become a Catholic), which appeared around 1600-10. We are more than 40 young professionals from around the world, putting our gifts to the service of The Church. Am I still a Roman Catholic? If a diocese is particularly Roman, in that the local parishes predominantly use the Roman Rite, we can say “Roman Catholic Diocese of” or “Roman Catholic Parish,” but we ourselves are not Roman Catholics unless we live in Rome. It includes most of the Catholics in the Western world.

It is not possible to give an exact year when the term "Roman Catholic Church," began to be called.

The Church Herself is catholic, which means “universal.” Therefore, the Church of Christ is the Catholic Church.

That is what it's The term 'Roman Catholic' was originally applied by people who disagree with the Catholic church's claim to be Those of you with way too much time on your hands can go and look through the Wikipedia debates on the correct naming of the church in the Catholic Church talk pages.First part: The Catholic Church ('C' as capital) is that group of churches in communion with the pope.
They all teach the same faith; it is only local customs that are different among them. Inevitably, one of these boxes, in the English speaking world at least, will read “Roman Catholic.” Growing up, I called myself a “Roman Catholic.” I never thought anything of it. (about 10 years after the last book of the New Testament was written), when the Greek term "Katholikos" (meaning universal) appears in the Letter of St. Ignatius of Antioch to the Smyrnaeans: This is our way of contributing to the apostleship of The Church.

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