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The The fraud has only been uncovered in the past ten days or so, which means this story is developing every day. The headquarters of the scandal-hit payments provider in Aschheim near MunichThe German company’s former boss Markus Braun has since been arrested and “accused of inflating Wirecard’s finances to make them appear healthier to investors and customers”, the Wirecard was “founded in a Munich suburb” in 1999 and “backed by venture capital in the late stages of the dotcom boom”, the According to the newspaper, former KPMG consultant Braun took over as chief executive in 2002 after the company almost went bust, and then led a merger with a rival firm. Germany has been hit with one of its biggest financial scandals in years after payment processor Wirecard AG seemingly lost €1.9 billion ($2.1 billion) of cash. There is no saying what is going to happen next. This came after a whistleblower alerted them to a plan to fraudulently send money to India via third parties. Explained: What is the €3.5 billion Wirecard scam? Money doesn’t disappear into thin air unless something shady is happening behind the scenes, which is why the Wirecard scandal has captured international attention. The collapse is also “raising questions over how the company’s regulators and auditors could have missed accounting irregularities that are already drawing comparisons to Enron”, the US energy giant that collapsed in 2001, CNN says.Met Office: weather increasingly impacted by climate changeTop Republicans reject Trump’s call for election delay The payments firm Wirecard has been embroiled in a scandal that involves a … Company registration number 2741701. Scandal-hit payments firm Wirecard has said the €1.9bn (£1.7bn) missing from its accounts simply may not exist. Publication of this is delayed due to the Coronavirus pandemic.While the world was starting to come out of lockdown, Munich prosecutors launched an investigation into the chief executive Markus Braun and three other executive board members. Wirecard dismissed the claim and BaFin, the German regulator, actually investigated the Financial Times over market manipulation.However, in 2019 the Singapore police raided the Wirecard offices. In the ongoing scandal of Wirecard, ... Wirecard explained that the money was kept that way for risk management, saying it could be saved to provide refunds or chargebacks if needed. Three years later, Wirecard joined the Frankfurt stock market, known as the Dax. ... Wirecard also said there had been significant developments and substantial new information taken into account since R&T’s preliminary report. There is concern about future client relationships and the brands reputation. It also issues and processes physical bank cards.Wirecard has a subsidiary in Newcastle upon Tyne as well as a North American branch after it acquired Citi Prepaid Card Services. Initially, the firm claimed the cash was held in two banks in the Philippines, but on Monday admitted that “the money may simply not exist”, the BBC says. Braun has been freed on bail of €5m (£4.5m) and remains a suspect in what German tabloid The Munich Public Prosecutor’s Office has expanded its investigation to look at other Wirecard bosses, including ex-chief operating officer Jan Marsalek, who was fired at the start of this week.Copyright © Dennis Publishing Limited 2020. EY refused to sign off on the firm’s 2019 accounts and Wirecard have since withdrawn its financial results for 2019 and the first quarter of 2020.Wirecard announced it was to file for insolvency on June 25Being embroiled in such a scandal is the last thing the accounting industry wanted or needed.However, EY have since spoken out about the scandal. Naturally there will be questions asked about how they managed to fraud investors, and EY, for so long, and this may further damage trust in auditors.Receive the latest graduate job, internships and placement job alerts. It is also active in New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Turkey and Brazil.The scandal as we know it was uncovered this year, however, there have been whisperings of wrongdoing dating back to 2008.These whisperings include suggestions of balance sheet irregularities and a dossier of money laundering allegations.

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