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2. They are violent and most destructive.The earthquake tremors are of two types: vertical and horizontal. These forces are mainly responsible for the formation of Fold Mountains and rift valleys. Sedimentary rock layers may be folded by the pressure exerted by the earthquakes. It has also been verified that all the earthquakes originate within 50-100 km of the earth’s crust.

Moreover, an earthquake can cause fire in urban areas also, by rupturing electrical lines and damaging electrical protection systems.Landslides are the most common aftereffects of earthquake in hilly areas. Here are few things you can do to lower the possibility of disaster:People living in earthquake prone areas must stay alert and prepared to handle this natural disaster at all times. The government must be prepared to handle such an emergency situation efficiently so that people do not suffer further.Earthquakes occur when the tectonic plates shift and climb over one another. Great descriptive essays achieve this affect not through facts and statistics but by using detailed observations and descriptions. Earthquakes do not kill people, structurally unsound buildings can do.II. Special degree in Earthquake Engineering is being imparted to prepare our future generations to tackle this natural disaster smartly.

Unusual animal behaviour, fluctuations of ground water level in wells and springs and variation in the discharge of springs are the phenomena closely related to the development of fractures.In China, about 90 per cent of the country is lying on the young and restless crust. Many buildings have been damaged and several people have lost their lives due to this natural calamity.

It has been observed that volcanic regions are more prone to earthquakes that often serve as a warning sign of an impending volcano.Earthquake is basically the shaking of the Earth. A need for disaster management for earthquake was felt owing to the huge and frequent damage they had been causing around the world.The seismic department studies earthquakes.

Such ground ruptures are considerably harmful to significant structures like dams, nuclear power stations and bridges.Earthquakes can cause forest fires, as tremors force the trees to rub each other, thereby generating heat and sparks. There have been forest fires recorded after earthquakes. Of late, the Indian plate boundary has become very active. In seismic language, the point immediately below where the rocks break is called the focus and the point immediately above is called the epicenter.The severity of an earthquake is measured in Richter scale. Explanatory essay conclusion outline Descriptive earthquake on an essay, nursing essay writing service uk: essay in lotus in hindi language. Builders are being encouraged to build earthquake resistant structures. Man has little or just no role in bringing about these natural disasters. Disasters have left the 800 years old Qutub Minar with slight tilt, but it has survived several quakes in its life time.The earthquakes are classified on number of bases.

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