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I like people who weren't captured.” In the ensuing weeks, Trump urged Fox News via Twitter to fire Luntz, who conducted post-debate focus groups for the network that the candidate deemed “anti-Trump.” Luntz is “a low class slob who came to my office looking for consulting work and I had zero interest. After Trump’s election, Luntz seemed likely to be shut out of the White House — a painful fate for a lover of the presidency who built But Luntz has now found a key way into the Trump White House. In the midst of the Golden Globes, as celebrities strolled the red carpet, smiling for the paparazzi, it felt like outside the confines of Tinseltown the world was boiling. Everything that he’s doing, there’s no doubt why he’s doing it: it’s to make America great again.”The focus group watched taped instances on a television of Trump’s apparent misogyny, political flip flops and awe-inspiring braggadocio. And I think that that is significantly contributing to his numbers getting worse. Mulvaney allies stress that Luntz plays no formal or advisory role in the Trump administration, and over the past year, Luntz has also met with Jared Kushner and talked with Larry Kudlow, director of the National Economic Council, meetings that pre-dated Mulvaney’s arrival in the West Wing.But there’s no disputing his rapport with Mulvaney. "Luntz also urged Trump to acknowledge the ongoing threat from the "He is unwilling to say that there is this concern and I'm not using the specific words," he said of Trump.

They complained of America’s reduced standing in the world, and Obama’s apparent ineptitude in challenging Russia, Syria and ISIS.When the group listened to a clip of Trump claiming that as president “the military is going to be so strong” that “nobody is going to mess around with the United States,” nearly everyone registered approval on their dial meters of 100—a seldom occurrence among focus groups.“We love our country and we love what our country stands for,” said a woman who added she comes from a military family. The numbers are going down. I get it.

"You don't have to campaign ... And Donald Trump, if you're on TV every day for 60 or 90 minutes, your numbers are going down in the Fox poll, in the CNN poll, NBC, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, some media publications that do not have an issue with Donald Trump and are not hostile to him.

Governors across the country implemented stay-at-home orders to curb the virus that's caused a national health crisis in the United States from spreading. “Last week, at the White House Christmas party,” Luntz said. But since the 2016 election and Trump’s success in bending the GOP to his will, Luntz has launched something of an apology tour.Following the 2018 State of the Union address, Luntz wrote on Twitter that he owed the president an apology. He convinced conservatives to say they oppose a “death tax” rather than an “estate tax” on the inheritances of the wealthy, and urged the Bush administration to call global warming “climate change.” Critics said such tactics only obscure and muddy the truth.Since Mulvaney’s December arrival in the West Wing, Luntz has applied his signature rebranding tactics. All market data delayed 20 minutes.

They believed Washington politicians and the Republican party had repeatedly misled them, and that the country is going down the tubes. You can unsubscribe at any time.

And we see it every time it’s on TV. Frank Luntz had long been a loyal Republican insider — until Donald Trump came along. https://www.foxnews.com/media/frank-luntz-how-voters-view-president-trump Why is a billionaire real estate mogul, TV celebrity and oft-accused demagogue who has never held office leading the Republican field with some 22% support in the polls?After the first Republican debate, Luntz had held a similar focus group of likely Republican voters that found Trump had performed poorly. "The president talks about his own voters being 'warriors' because they're willing to stand up," Luntz said. I feel like I’ve been lied to,” a woman said. Now he picks anti-Trump panels!” Trump Luntz told POLITICO at the time that Trump’s f--- you attitude resonated with voters but did not ultimately solve anything. All rights reserved. "Luntz argued that Trump's use of language, particularly in response to the protests that have gripped the nation following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody last month, makes undecided voters less likely to identify with him. Privately, some Mulvaney aides are aware that his friendship with Luntz comes with a potential risk of annoying the president, and many of the acting chief of staff’s allies downplay the relationship. Luntz showed up at an election night watch party in November 2018 in Trump’s private residence as a guest of Mulvaney’s, schmoozing and watching the results alongside other close Trump allies including Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Corey Lewandowski, and Vice President Mike Pence.When Trump announced Mulvaney’s promotion to chief-of-staff in a late afternoon tweet one Friday in mid-December, Luntz quickly responded to extol the hire’s brilliance on Twitter.

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