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©2020 The Art Story Foundation. Lissitzky spent much of his childhood in the town of Vitebsk (also By the age of fifteen, Lissizky had already begun his teaching career, instructing other aspiring young Jewish artists. He spent the remainder of his life teaching, writing, working, and designing. AFTER THE OLD TESTAMENT THERE CAME THE NEW — AFTER THE NEW THE COMMUNIST — AND AFTER THE COMMUNIST THERE FOLLOWS FINALLY THE TESTAMENT OF SUPREMATISM.In the space allotted to me I have not conceived the four walls as retaining or protective walls, but as optic backcloths for the works of art. Lissitzky's mentor, As Suprematism dissolved, Lissitzky returned to Germany after nearly eight years away, arriving this time as an official cultural representative of Russia. Lazar Markovich Lissitzky, known as El Lissitzky, was a Russian artist, designer, photographer, typographer, polemicist and architect.

this is the model we await from Kasimir Malevich. To complicate his efforts further, from 1930 to 1940 he contributed to the magazine "USSR in Construction" - a publicatoin that promoted Soviet industrialization.The space must be a kind of showcase, a stage, on which the pictures make their appearance as actors in a drama (or comedy). [Suprematism] will liberate all those engaged in creative activity and make the world into a true model of perfection. It is not clear whether or not Lissitzky felt conflicted in this regard, but given his declining health coupled with his longtime devotion to the Soviet cause, it is likely that near the end of his life he simply wished to continue producing art without engaging in controversy. In fact, he made the very first abstract work with a political message. He was an important figure of the Russian avant-garde, helping develop suprematism with his mentor, Kazimir Malevich, and designing numerous exhibition displays and propaganda works for the Soviet Union. Following El Lissitzky was born Eleazar Markovich Lisitskii, in the town of Pochinok, a small, heavily Jewish-populated community in the western region of the former Russian Empire.

His development of the ideas behind the Suprematist art movement were very influential in the development of the Bauhaus and the Constructivist art movements. The late 1920s and early 1930s were some of Lissitzky's most progressive years as he experimented (and continued his expirements) with media such as typography, photography, and photomontage while he continued to produce innovative architectural designs.

All Rights Reserved | Situating El Lissitzky: Vitebsk, Berlin, Moscow (Issues & Debates)El Lissitzky: Beyond the Abstract Cabinet: Photography, Design, CollaborationThe Struggle for Utopia: Rodchenko, Lissitzky, Moholy-Nagy, 1917-1946El Lissitzky: 1890-1941 : Architect, Painter, Photographer, TypographerHad Gadya: The Only Kid: Facsimile of El Lissitzky's Edition of 1919 (ReSources)El Lissitzky's 'Americanism' in European Architecture Russian avant-garde artist El Lissitzky, made a career of utilizing art for social change. His … In 1909 he was rejected admission to the St. Petersburg Art Academy, due to anti-Semitic laws in place under the Tsarist regime of Nicholas II, which did not necessarily exclude Jewish students from admission into state schools but did heavily regulate admission quotas. He produced a series of paintings in this style, which he called One of Lissitzky's greatest goals was to apply Suprematism to actual architecture in his native Russia, which he regarded as having relied too heavily on the classical European style. ©2020 The Art Story Foundation. Although often highly abstract and theoretical, Lissitzky's work was able speak to the prevailing political discourse of his native Russia, and then the nascent Soviet Union. This lithograph is one of El Lissitzky's most well-known works from his Suprematist period. "El Lissitzky Artist Overview and Analysis". Sophie Kuppers) / By 1932, Lissitzky was devoting himself almost exclusively to producing Soviet propaganda art, continuing to promote a political system that, under Stalin, heavily restricted the arts, persecuted, and even killed Lissitzky's colleagues, and was overtly hostile towards Jews. November 23, 1890, Pochinok, Russia - December 30, 1941, Moscow, Russia. El Lissitzky was a Russian born artist, designer, typographer, photographer and architect who designed many exhibitions and propaganda for the Soviet Union in the early 20th century. he worked as a graphic designer, providing covers for various magazines and journals.

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