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Argentina claimed territories north of the Bermejo River until Paraguay's defeat in the Over the next few decades, Bolivia began to push the natives out and settle in the Gran Chaco, while Paraguay ignored it. Soils in the more humid east have more organic material and lateritic subsoils, whereas in the west the soils contain less surface organic material and have predominately calcareous subsoils. Historically, the Gran Chaco was a Spanish colonial region that was established by the descendants of the conquistadors.

V. Candollea, 48: 145-172, 1993.Napamalo: The Giant Anteater of the Gran Chaco, 2003.Conservation ecology of armadillos in the Chaco region of Argentina, 1: 16-17, Edentata, 1994.Catagonous, an "extinct" peccary, alive in Paraguay, 189:379-381, Science, 1975.ECOLOGICAL NOTES ON PARAGUAYAN CHACO HERPETOFAUNA, 12(3), 433-435, Journal of Herpetology, 1978. (2017). By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica.Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. With a high biodiversity, it contains South America's second largest forest, behind only the Amazon Rainforest.

The central Chaco's Two factors may substantially change the Chaco in the near future: low land valuationsWhile advancements in agriculture can bring some improvements in infrastructure and employment for the region, Deforestation in the Argentinian part of the Chaco amounted to an average of 100,000 hectares (250,000 acres) per year between 2001 and 2007.Among the profiteers of the newly created agricultural areas in the Paraguayan Gran Chaco are U.S.-based agribusinesses A 2017 assessment found that 176,715 km², or 22%, of the ecoregion is in protected areas.The following Argentine provinces, Bolivian and Paraguayan departments, and Brazilian states lie in the Gran Chaco area, either entirely or in part. Although the rainfall normally would be adequate for agriculture, roughly a third to half of the total comes in the hot summer.

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Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. Evaporation losses sharply reduce the effective precipitation and give the Chaco an arid nature that is absent only in the permanent swamps and forests along the Paraguay River.Although light breezes are common, outbreaks of cool polar air from the south, called Emeritus Professor of Geography, California State University, Chico. Each country tried their best to outdo each other. The dominant vegetative structure is xerophytic deciduous forests with multiple layers, including a To the west, in the Semiarid/Arid Chaco, medium-sized forests consists of Faunal diversity in the Gran Chaco is also high. The Gran Chaco is about 647,500 km² (250,000 sq mi) in size, though estimates differ.

Most of the region, however, is subtropical.

Very sparsely populated and lacking sufficient all-weather roads and basic infrastructure (the Argentinian part is more developed than the Paraguayan or Bolivian part), it has long been too remote for crop planting. Gran Chaco Lowland plain of central South America, stretching across the borders of Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay. It is located west of the Historically, the Chaco has been divided in three main parts: the Locals sometimes divide it today by the political borders, giving rise to the terms Argentinian Chaco, Paraguayan Chaco, and Bolivian Chaco.

The floral characteristics of the Gran Chaco are varied given the large geographical span of the region. Gran Chaco The Paraguayan Chaco is a region covering the western half of Paraguay. Then in 1810, trouble started after the independence of the countries that bordered its perimeter claimed larger shares of the Chaco land areas. The Gran Chaco is a sparsely populated, hot and semi-arid lowland alluvial plain, divided among eastern Bolivia, western Paraguay, northern Argentina and a portion of Brazil.

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