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1 0 obj Science & Exploration Human and Robotic Exploration . Skip to main content. Learn More.

As of 2020 it has been held in the Quality Hotel View, Malmö, Sweden.ESA is inviting you to take part in open qualifiers for a special edition of Break the Record: LIVE.

; Get planning straight away - immediate processing of your application and receipt of your record guidelines. ESA Winter 2020 will be held, just like Summer, in the ESA Winter 2020 has moved! However, due to the closing of national borders by the USA and Denmark, it is unfortunately now unavoidable that we will have to postpon…European Speedrunner Assembly is pleased to announce the beneficiary of ESA Winter 2020 fundraising as global humanitarian organization Save the Children. 8 0 obj It sets some values on the fields of a new record in the Acc. ESA Summer Online – 24 July – 2 August.

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