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We want to have a more historically informed conversation around migration – and part of this conversation does include EU migration, but it also includes the Romans, the Saxons, the French protestant Huguenots and the Windrush Generation among many, many others. I’m inspired to work on the project because I enjoy hearing different people’s stories and seeing people recognise themselves, and others, in British history in a way that perhaps they haven’t before. At the centre… When people express anxieties about immigration, they tend to do so in terms of its economic, social or cultural effect on the country – and occasionally all three. Ceyda uses textiles to explore symbolic themes around… We are approaching the end of our third monthly residency in our current exhibition, Room to Breathe: the New Art Studio, an art therapy practice supporting asylum seekers and refugees in London, will be leaving the gallery on 24 February, and Ceyda Oskay will be moving into the space the following week. Artists and, more generally, people working in the culture and heritage industry have always been conspicuous for their mobility, travelling across… Room to Breathe at the Migration Museum takes visitors on an immersive journey through a series of interconnected rooms, revealing the multi-layered experience of migrants and refugees arriving in a new country. Address: Lewisham Shopping Centre (Entrance in Central Square), London SE13 7HB Opening hours: Exhibitions open Wednesdays–Sundays, 11am–5pm Admission: Free UPDATE ON 3 JULY 2020: The Migration Museum aims to reopen in autumn 2020 with the launch of our new exhibition, Departures, exploring 400 years of emigration from Britain. The Migration Museum is currently closed to the public due to the Coronavirus pandemic, but we have lots of online content for you to explore from the safety and comfort of your own home during this lockdown period. In a series of videos produced as part of Migration Making Places, Making People: New Narratives of Inclusion, a partnership project between COMPAS, The Open University, the Migration Museum Project and Counterpoints Arts, key policymakers, researchers and practitioners discuss issues ranging from solidarity to challenges migrants face and… Historian, producer, presenter and Migration Museum trustee David Olusoga delivered our 2018 Annual Lecture at SOAS on 22 November 2018, arguing that, to make sense of contemporary Britain, we need to recover the global aspects of our history and culture. I like free, cheap & offbeat London, especially: cabaret, art, theatre, pop-ups, eating out, quirky films, museums, day trips, social enterprise & much more.Disclaimer: I am Joint Editor at To Do List. The past few months have been an occasion for raking over the past and sifting through memories. https://todolist.london/migration-museum-london-robyn-kasozi But we must do more than just speak out. Lewisham Shopping Centre (Entrance in Central Square) Das Museum ist interessant und informativ und einen Besuch wert, wenn Sie in der Nähe wohnen. Von Soho aus schlängeln wir uns durch Covent Garden, den Trafalgar Square und viele weitere Stationen - jede mit ihrer eigenen Showbiz-Hintergrundgeschichte!Welche Hotels gibt es in der Nähe von Migration Museum?Welche Restaurants gibt es in der Nähe von Migration Museum?Leider sind an den von Ihnen gewählten Daten keine Touren oder Aktivitäten verfügbar. Working with communities and individuals, we are exploring the nature and importance of personal keepsakes in telling migration stories. The Migration Museum remains closed until further notice. Fantastische Idee und wie großartig es ist, mit dem Kopf aufIch sah ein Foto eines Freundes in einer neuen Ausstellung über Hautfarbe. UPDATE ON 3 JULY 2020: The Migration Museum aims to reopen in autumn 2020 with the launch of our new exhibition, Departures, exploring 400 years of emigration from Britain. Concerns about immigration played a major role in the EU referendum campaigns, and debates were often angry and polarised, and, in some cases, underpinned by misinformation – or at least a lack of context.

Bitte geben Sie ein anderes Datum ein.Leider sind an den von Ihnen gewählten Daten keine Touren oder Aktivitäten verfügbar.

To mark the launch of The Good Immigrant USA, its editor Chimene Suleyman and contributors to the best-selling UK edition Inua Ellams and Darren Chetty joined us at the Migration Museum in March 2019 to read from the new collection of essays and compare the current state of discussions and debates around identity, culture, language and belonging on both sides of the Atlantic. In addition to our exhibitions we have an extensive programme of events from artist workshops to football tournaments; Family History Days to stand-up comedy.We explore themes that appeal to a wide range of people with a focus on personal stories which lie at the heart of all we do.

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