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Toxicology is a branch of knowledge dealing with the scientific study of the characteristics and effects of poisons on living organisms. He worked cures and revised old manuscripts, making a brief comeback with the publication of Wundartzney in 1536.The prince-archbishop Duke Ernst of Bavaria invited Paracelsus to Salzburg in 1541.

The end came when the Canon Lechtenfels, a prominent citizen, became ill and offered a fee to anyone who could cure him. Later, other substances were used. He used magical astrological TalismanS in his work, metal disks inscribed with planetary Symbols.The careful preparation of medicines was crucial to their success, he believed.

Paracelsus believed in natural Magic, a holistic approach to medicine, and the existence of the auric field as an influence on health. Once referred to as the Grand Paradoxical Physician, Paracelsus was to change the course of conventional medicine in his lifetime. His followers, such as Oswald Croll, developed a highly personal hermeneutic for reading both the Bible and God's book of nature, in ways that emphasized the mystical forces that pervaded the world. He scandalized his students and peers by publicly burning the revered medical texts of Galen and Avicenna.His disdain for physicians was exceeded only by his alleged disdain for women. He is an important figure in the development of modern orthodox medicine and homeopathic medicine. One source claims that whilst in Russia, Paracelsus was captured by the Tatars, and brought to the court of the Grand Cham. Paracelsus evidently sensed his impending demise, for he made out his will three days before his death.Paracelsus was revered as a great healer by the public, who kept his memory alive. I have been chosen by God to extinguish and blot out all the phantasies of elaborate and false works, of delusive and presumptuous words, be they the words of Aristotle, Galen, Avicenna, Mesva, or the dogmas of any among their followers.”Paracelsus’s stay in Basel lasted only two years, for then he had thoroughly offended all of his professional colleagues. He led the way in introducing chemical compounds into medicine and in describing zinc, a term he invented. He wore clothes until they were rags. It was his actions during this time that perhaps later earned Paracelsus the nickname ‘the Luther of Physicians’. Being disappointed, gave himself the Latin name of Paracelsus, meaning “greater than Celsus”. Not that I praise myself: Nature praises me. There are three suns in the solar system:• A physical sun warms and reveals the body of things and dissipates crystallization.• An astral sun reveals the structure of the soul and dissipates the darkness of ignorance.• A spiritual sun nourishes the human spirit and dispells the darkness of death.Paracelsus believed the Hermetic principle that man has a vital body, an etheric double created and energized by the vital life force of the universe, and that when the vital body is depleted, physical ailment results. In addition, Paracelsus studied alchemy under the occultist abbot of Sponheim, Johannes Trithemius. It is further claimed by this source that in Constantinople, an Arab adept imparted the secret of the universal solvent (the alkahest) to Paracelsus. As for his notions of what a man of science should be, the servant of God, and of Nature -- which is the work of God -- using his powers not for money, not for ambition, but in love and charity, as he says, for the good of his fellow-man -- on that matter Paracelsus is always noble. By watching his father giving medical comfort and aid to visiting pilgrims, the young Paracelsus developed a desire to emulate his father. At the age of 16, he began studying medicine at the University of Basel in Switzerland. Threatened with severe punishment for contempt of court, he fled the city.He roamed throughout Europe, plagued by increasing drinking problems.

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