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Salyut 1 originated as a modification of the military Civilian Soviet space stations were internally referred to as Construction of Salyut 1 began in early 1970, and after nearly a year it was shipped to the Launch was planned for April 12, 1971, to coincide with the 10th anniversary of At launch, the announced purpose of Salyut was to test the elements of the systems of a space station and to conduct scientific research and experiments. Salyut 1 Interior Patsayev operates equipment aboard Salyut 1 Credit: RKK Energia: 1933 June 19 - . Representatives from the Swedish firm are in town to negotiate the contract for the TsF-18 18-metre radius centrifuge. The decision is made to proceed despite a prediction of 15 m/s winds -- the prediction turns out to be wrong. It was hand docked after faillure of the automatic system, but hard docking could not be achieved because of the angle of approach.

As Kamanin is on the way to the airport, a serious situation develops aboard the station. Kamanin discusses smoking with Bykovsky and Gorbatko - they have to stop.The Fourth Military-Scientific VVS Space Conference at Monino. It was shocking that this was made available for Almaz, while the military told Mishin that he would have to prepare the immense MKBS station in the uncontrolled environment, subject to frequent power blackouts, of the N1 facility. At 17:00 the crews go to the MIK and start communications tests on the DOS. This is the last full day aloft of the Soyuz 11 crew. The first crew will launch three days later on a thirty-day mission.

This is the first look by the crews at their future home in space in its fully completed version.

The physicians are not in favour of prolonging the flight.The Soyuz 11 crew completes their 1000th revolution of the earth.

Open the hatch, and move the wheel to the left to open. Kamanin notes that to Volkov everything in his account of the previous day's emergency is 'I' - 'I' decided, 'I' did, etc.

Aboard Soyuz 11, the Igla automatic rendezvous and docking system is switched on when the spacecrafft is 7 km from Salyut 1. At that time he said it was practically impossible. At a meeting of the Central Committee, Kamanin fights with Ustinov for the safety of the crew. Here's every spaceship that's ever carried an astronaut into orbit. Volkov is especially active, which should improve his readaptation when he returns to earth.The cosmonauts have to be extremely careful in putting Salyut in storage mode. At 19:30 the State Commission at the command point authorises the Soyuz 11 crew to undock from the Salyut space station. Kamanin blames all this on Ustinov and Smirnov's stupid political manoeuvring. Prior to his departure, the cosmonauts brief Kamanin on the results of the visits of Popovich and Sevastyanov to France, and Khrunov to the USA. After the crew has left the station, taken their seats in the capsule, and closed the hatch between the Soyuz BO orbital module and SA re-entry capsule, the strained voice of Volkov comes from space: 'Hatch not hermetically sealed? He categorically rejected the idea. More Galleries of The Interior Of The Salyut 1 Space Station With The. DOS was therefore created only when the moon project failed. Mishin was 'sick' and Chelomei had sent his deputy, as usual, to avoid having to meet Mishin. Mishin asks - Why won't the VVS support his plan for an Indian Ocean landing for the L3? The station was to be called Zarya, or 'Dawn', but the name was changed just before launch to prevent confusion with the secret Chinese manned spacecraft of the same name. But it was only in August 1970 that a resolution was issued setting a firm schedule: Chelomei was to start flight trails in the second half of 1971, and the station was to enter service in 1972. TsKBEM engineer cosmonauts are to be selected will round out the last three crews, but VVS members will be: Crew 3, Klimuk, Artyukhin; Crew 4, Bykovskyy, Alekseyev; Crew 5, Gorbatko. Keldysh declares that in the next five to ten years the Soviet Union will not fly space stations with artificial gravity. Launch is set for 22 April at 03:30.Soyuz 10 approached to 180 m from Salyut 1 automatically. Only two months earlier they were rejecting the possibility - these are people without principles, in Kamanin's view. This is followed by a meeting with General Komarov and the cosmonauts on plans for the new cosmonaut training building and a nine-story apartment building.Kamanin recommends the death benefit to be awarded to Belyayev's family. Nation: Kazakhstan. Two further Tu-104's arrived 20 and 30 minutes later with the second and third crews. Mishin complains that he doesn't know what the Almaz project is about. There are only two back-ups, which are not enough for the 90-day active mission life planed. salyut 1 interior pictures: skylab: salyut 1 is the first orbiting space station: viking 2: georgy dobrovolsky salyut 1: soyuz 11: salyut 1 1977: mariner 10: Salyut 1. VVS ballistics calls back.

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