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Will it deter the Ds and Judges Sullivan and ABJ from their duties and hearings? The defendant also argues—based almost entirely on evidence previously provided in discovery—that the government engaged in “conduct so shocking to the conscience and so inimical to our system of justice that it requires the dismissal of the charges [sic] for outrageous government conduct.” Reply at 2. Articles Divide et Impera. Baden is also a paid Fox talent who often appears on Fox. And that’s okay as long as people understand where he comes from.Totally agree, which is why I noted that independent verification would be needed. Speaking on “The Cats Roundtable,” hosted by John Catsimatidis on AM 970 in New York, Sidney Powell said the DOJ "has a memo in its files that exonerates him completely of any wrongful collaboration, or anything with the Russians. He was doing his job as an incoming National Security Advisor to President Trump. Mr. Flynn is hereby DIRECTED to file a sur-surreply by no later than 12:00 PM on November 4, 2019, and the Court shall strike any new issues raised in the sur-surreply. November 18, 2019 . I’m just asking if it is or isn’t.OTOH, what Sullivan is doing is the efficient thing. :-)I would like to commend Congresswoman @KatieHill4CA for her service on behalf of #CA25 as well as her willingness to put country first by stepping down from office. Now I don’t necessarily hate this, I pay experts all the time to do that. Americas Voice is a media solutions firm that enables Content Providers, Agencies and Advertisers to leverage our 130 years of combined media expertise to deliver the country’s first audience-driven news platform! Yes, Sullivan explicitly begged Flynn to slow him down last December and ask for a continuance, but Sullivan urged that Flynn do that in order find new ways to demonstrate his cooperation with the government because his cooperation to date (at that time, that is) was less than stellar. And it may be that the Court plans to require the defendant to raise any new claims for relief in a properly pled motion to which the government can respond fully.Sullivan responded by agreeing to let the government file a surreply, with Flynn granted a response (though warned, this time, not to introduce any new arguments).MINUTE ORDER as to MICHAEL T. FLYNN. He implied this was a last minute request. Hey you hypocritical asshole, where is your indignation at your bestie What do you think the chances are Trump is complying with the Presidential Records Act and what means is he using m… Because most intelligent media have been paying attention to the statistics which showed the protests didn't correl… Yup. The surreply shall address the new relief, claims, arguments, and information raised in Defendant’s Reply Brief, ECF No.

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