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Economic activity – main aim. Natural Resources.

The sectors all work together to create an economic chain of production. The primary sector of the economy is the sector of an economy making direct use of natural resources.

The scenario is not change even after the present day thought of globalization, privatization and liberalization. While each sector holds its unique importance in development of an economy, often this structure serves as the guideline for the policy makers to make suited strategies for each sector. The breeding and exploitation of poultry such as chickens, chickens and geese can be classified, in some cases, as part of the general livestock industry; In the same way with the exploitation of small animals and rodents for the consumption, like the rabbits.

In contrast, fishing has found a high level of industrialization, and today has a large market around the world. Since the core activity is the extraction of a natural resource, we can classify Company P to be engaged in a primary economic activity.Company S is a steel manufacturer in Minnesota. Primary economic activities are vital not only for the economy but also for the sustenance of the human race. The most exploited cattle in the world are cattle, sheep and pigs (cattle, sheep and pigs, respectively), although each nation has currently sought to exploit the unique qualities of its animal products, such as Argentina And Uruguay, in the case of South America. This has enabled nations to exploit the fisheries sector as an alternative to complement domestic supply and expand options on their export products. Primary economic activities produce basic food staples and raw materials for industry. It serves as a forecast to know the level of development of one nation against others.

Since iron is the primary raw material required to make steel (along with carbon), Company S purchases large quantities of iron from Company P. Here, Company P’s primary output is being used as an input to manufacture Company S’s main output. For example, in Africa livestock farming is much more important than in Japan.

In economics, human activities are categorized into four sectors or types of economic activities: the primary sector, secondary sector, tertiary sector, and quaternary sector. Since Company T’s business activity involves financially supporting the smooth running of the businesses of Company P & Company S, Company T is said to be involved in a tertiary economic activity.Primary economic activities are vital not only for the economy but also for the sustenance of the human race. The primary economic sector is the beginning of a process of human intervention in the manufacture of later products. Renewable resources.

The primary activities are those belonging to the sector of the economy that makes direct use of the natural resources . Primary sector brainyias.com. While primary economic activities act as the building block for secondary and tertiary sectors, the primary sector needs the expertise of the secondary and tertiary sectors to improve its productivity and performance.

Can be used over and over again - infinite.

Primary Economic Activities.

Thus, company S works in the tertiary sector. Once fulfilled, the agricultural products can serve for the export and thus to generate income to the producing nation. It is estimated that the mining process is present in the life of man since he learned to manufacture tools to ensure their survival. Both Company P and Company S have a line of credit from Company T to carry on their primary activities of iron ore extraction and steel manufacturing respectively. Unlike primary economic activities that utilize more land or other natural resources but produce less wealth, the services sector generates the most wealth.But all said and done, economic growth depends on the sustenance and co-dependence of all the three types of economic activities. Jobs that involve working directly with the earth. The globalized market has re-emphasized the agricultural potential through the incentive, production and export of unique products of each nation to be commercialized in the rest of the world. It is considered an activity closely related to agriculture, since both can be present in the same physical space, although they have different techniques and approaches. At present, hunting is still practiced in much of the world, but more as a sporting and recreational activity than as a fundamental office for the economic development of a nation. Some academics reference another sector known as the Quinary Sector (5th sector) that represents decision making and strategy. The activities in this group deal with providing various kinds of service.

Watch the following video about an example of a primary economic activity. This includes agriculture, forestry, mining and fishing. This primary sector is also known as the extraction sector, because all the work is in making the product that nature provides.

Watch carefully and answer the questions that follow. Currently, one of the continents where fishing has been exploited exponentially has been Asia, with a workforce representation of almost 90% of all fishermen employed worldwide, according to FAO reports.

Since man discovered the potential of cultivating and working the land to ensure both subsistence and community development, agriculture has been a practice present for centuries.

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