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With my workload, my nutrition would have to be perfect to carry my body through the 800m-1500m double.I wanted to start eating as soon as I could after every race, but you can't do exactly what you want as an athlete. In 2004, Kelly Holmes won double Olympic gold at the end of a ... “It was a good guide to what I was going to be able to run for 800m, in particular,” Holmes says. I knew I had to go for it.Alicia Keys' If I Ain't Got you is not your typical warm-up song. You only fail if you don't do something, if you give up. I had one last task: my now-traditional trip to the same portaloo - the one on the far left of a block of 10 close to the call room.To my horror though, as I tugged on the door I found it locked. She won bronze at the Sydney Olympics and then again bronze at the Munich European Championships before taking silver behind training partner Maria Mutola at the 2003 Paris World Championships. She would be the first person I would see after each race. We were all silent and the hairs went up on the back of my neck. I couldn't break that routine for anyone!If that felt like pressure, I had already experienced plenty in the 800m final a few days before.Coming around the final bend in that race, I was side by side with Maria Mutola. It felt like a sign.For that final session, all I had to do was two 400m laps, as fast as I could, with 10 minutes rest in between.I knew the times I wanted and I smashed them to bits.I was 34. But it was the one I listened to before every race at that Games because the lyrics summed up my mindset - fame, fortune, and anything else didn't mean anything if I didn't come home with the medals.It was just one part of my carefully planned routine.I would leave for the track at exactly the same time every race day. For a few seconds, everything seemed to go into slow motion as I looked around for confirmation.It didn't come from the big screen or the trackside clock. A complete rupture of the Achilles tendon and calf in 1997. I joked to them that I really needed to hear Tina Turner's Simply the Best right now.Immediately, on the Cypriot radio on the car stereo, those familiar opening chords started playing. World Athletics Championships Instead it was when one of the British press photographers. At Athens 2004, Dame Kelly Holmes became only the third woman in history and the first Briton since Albert Hill 84 years earlier to win the 800m and 1500m Olympic double. Another calf tear in 2000. Going into Sydney 2000, I had ripped a 12cm tear in my calf muscle.But in Cyprus , I felt amazing. It was like racing silhouettes, while I felt like I was floating along as if someone had picked up and propelled me through the race.As I hit 80m to go, I looked over both shoulders, realised Benhassi was nowhere to be seen and went as hard as I could, without looking back.From the archive - BBC Sport's report on Holmes' 1500m final winThose gold were so much sweeter for all the suffering that had gone before them.A stress fracture of the shin in 1996. I knew how formidable she was, not just from losing to her previously in major championships, but also from working alongside her up close.So much of my training had been about trying to shrug off that pressure.I would be doing the final 100m of a heavy session, full of lactic acid and in pain and my coaches would be shouting one word at me, one instruction that was entirely contrary to everything I was feeling: "Relax! Just a year before winning double gold in Athens, I was in Paris preparing for the world championships. Home of World Athletics Before Atlanta in 1996 I had picked up a stress fracture. 25 NOV 2005 "In the previous tight finishes, my shoulders had risen, my body had tensed up and my stride length had shortened.Not this time.

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