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This was to condemn the party to many years in the political wilderness as the Whigs held the power in Georgian England. For a Whig Government means now, as it has all along meant, nothing else than a Government established by laws equally binding upon the King and the subject.Generally, the Tories were associated with lesser gentry, the The Tories became associated with repression of popular discontent after 1815, but the Tories later underwent a fundamental transformation under the influence of When the Conservative Party split in 1846 on the issue of free trade, the protectionist wing of the party rejected the Conservative label. [¶6] The terms "Whig" and "Tory" have also often carried strong sectarian (religious) associations, Tories being associated with High Church sentiments (including preservation of the privileges and exclusions of the established Church) and Whigs being associated with latitudinarianism and Protestant Dissent. His drive to push the country to Catholicism was bound to conflict with the Tory belief in upholding the Anglican Church. Similarly, in the aftermath of the Civil War, the Tories decried their Dissenting opponents as "fanatics" and sectarian "zealots," while in the 19th century, the Tories saw [¶14] Some of these shifts in the religious associations of the two parties are to be explained by the fact that in their earlier phase, the Tories were distinguished by their adherence to a notion of prescriptive and hereditary rights and political principles (which tended to imply adherence to the Stuart dynasty), while in their "post-Jacobite phase," with the demise of the Stuart cause after 1745, the Tories retained their adherence to prescriptive rights but their central application of these principles shifted to the terrain of "churchly matters" (Sack 1993: 50).

The court party reproached their antagonists with their affinity to the fanatical conventiclers in Scotland, who were known by the name of Whigs: The country party found a resemblance between the courtiers and the popish banditti in Ireland, to whom the appellation of Tory was affixed.

"The passion for stigmatizing nicknames had begun in 1679 when Exclusionists, styling themselves 'True Protestants,' began to assail their Protestant opponents as 'Protestant Papists' or 'Protestants in Masquerade'" (Willman 1974: 254); the Royalists responded by mockingly calling the Exclusionists "True Blues" or (according to Roger North) "[¶20] "It was only after the demise of the last Exclusion Parliament [in March 1681] that the first Royalist nickname for the Exclusionists began to appear in print, when the formula 'True Protestant' was expanded to 'True Bromidgham Protestant,' i.e., true counterfeit one" (Willman 1974: 255). The During his reign, James II fought for a broadly tolerant religious settlement under which his co-religionists could prosper—a position anathema to conservative Anglicans. The Court Tories did all that was expected of those who wished to be influential at court. (quoted in Sack 1993: 5)We see here the way in which the "Tory" label is coming to be displaced by the language of "conservatism," and we see also how much Toryism operates as an upper-class stance in defense of the establishment against the onslaught of the "rabble" and their political allies, even though it deploys the language of cultural identity, heritage, and patriotism to cultivate, at times, a populist, chauvinistic appeal. The party was formed in the last months of the Cavalier Parliament and the Exclusion Crisis. Above all, Toryism, by the 19th century, was characterized by a visceral hatred for "irreligion" and divergence from "proper" sexual and gender norms: hysterial outcries by the right-wing press against "any suggestion of sexual or religious deviance from accepted familial or spiritual orthodoxies" became a signature piece of Tory politics in this era (Sack 1993: 39), allowing the Tories to cultivate sympathies with all the most reactionary elements of popular consciousness against the perceived profligacy of the Whig elites.

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